Perth 2021
January, 2021
Hoshi Con 2021 took place at Cannington Entertainment & Showgrounds Centre, in Perth WA on January 23-24, 2021.
Hoshi-Con is the first post COVID-19 Anime and Pop-Culture Convention and Exhibition. Whether you are interested in Anime Merchandise, Cosplay Competitions, Fandom Art or Dance and Performance groups, Hoshi Con could cater to your needs. Hoshi-Con is the first post COVID-19 Anime and Pop-Culture Convention and Exhibition.
Hoshi-Con is a convention made by fans, and made for fans. Whether you are interested in Anime Merchandise, Cosplay Competitions, Fandom Art or Dance and Performance groups, Hoshi Con could cater to your needs.
Also in attendance were an amazing line up of local Perth Fandom community to be featured in the Artist Alley, local Anime, Cosplay and PopCulture small business retailers.
Pictured: Hoshi-Con took no chances and applied all COVID-19 related protocols to make this a safe and enjoyable event!
For those who raised concerns regarding COVID-19, Perth experienced no community transmission of COVID-19 for 9 months, and it has been for this reason we were able to have a convention in the beginning of 2021.
Ticket sales were very limited. These limitations were set to adhere with COVID-19 restrictions and policies and maintain a capped capacity. “Lobby-Con” (loiterers) were not permitted, and anyone found with no badge or wristband on site were requested to leave.
Western Australia acted quickly to the news of the pandemic, and a hard boarder was quickly set in place. At the time that I write this (January 31, 2021), Western Australia experienced it’s first community transmission, with the state experiencing lockdown and solid no-nonsense protocols to protect the public. Any community transmission for 10 months.
Myself with cosplayers Immortalized Action, and Aussie Oblix Cosplay!
Photo Wall
Over the course of the weekend, I played host as one of Hoshi-Con’s official photographer!
I had a dedicated mini pop-up Photo Wall, which was a massive hit to the Perth Cosplay Community. It was a busy and amazing weekend that ran on the vibrant energy of cosplayers looking forward to have their photos taken!
Competing in the Lolita competition on the Saturday was Breka!
The drive behind both cosplay and photography is amazing and to consistently create a positive environment is one that should be applauded! I am glad to see how each convention continues to grow, alongside the community and the creativity this city has to offer!
Myself with @Woman_of_Wonder_ (IG) , who made an amazing She-Ra, which you can see in the photo gallery of my post!
Other photographers over the weekend included CK Imagery, CS Photography, HK Photography, and Cosplaying Photographer.
Pictured: Myself with Thunder Bunny Cosplay, who is cosplaying as a Bunny version of Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)!
I would like to give a special thank you to the people of Hoshi Au, and the Hoshi-Con Pop Culture Expo for having me on board as their photographer on the mini pop-up photo wall.
Attended on the Sunday? Photos from that day can be found here in Part 2!
Hoshi-Con was an amazing experience with an entire weekend’s worth of fun to be had, and in turn, it may bring opportunity for smaller, more local organisers across WA can host a COVID-safe environment for all fans of Pop Culture.
Below is the gallery of photos taken from Saturday, January 23, 2021. Photos from Sunday will be available soon!
Photo Gallery 2021
Please feel welcome to share these on Social Media and tag me as Collin Kerr Photography on Facebook, @CollinKerrPhotography on Instagram and @ThatsSoCollin on Twitter
Take note these photos are available for SELF promotion, portfolio, and SELF publication ONLY! For any Commercial Usage, please use the contact page!